In the game, the player controls the crew of a pirate ship. The player must sail the ship over a number of sea zones, each with procedurally generated events in a roguelike fashion, while facing pirates and other hostile forces, recruiting new crew members, keeping discipline, outfitting, upgrading ship and more.
Added 25 New Male Pirate Voices!
Added 7 New Passive Items: Baby Oil, Sugar Cube, Love Letter, Boar Hearth, Bread, Talisman of Hate and White Flag
Added 4 New Ultimate Abilities: Falcon Dance, Ace, Shadow Cloak, Headshot
Added 3 New Weapons: Double Axe, Combat Fishing Rod and Scissors!
Camera movement experience improved!
You can now rename any pirate that is in your crew! Simply click pirate name at the summary!
Chests improved! They now can drop ultimate abilities, there is 9 ultimate abilities so far!
Thank you! Expect to see tomorrow!
v0.4.0.0 - Spiders, Content & Polish!
Features & Improvements
Improved NEW GAME Experience
New players start with Extra gold
When Selecting Starting pirate you now See 1 Perk and name of That pirate
Added even more SFX to pirates!
New Color palette, Looks ABIT game now more blue
menu now CREW Shows perks and class name
SPACE menu now and Shows Current DAY TOTAL TIME PLAYED
Added 3 New Weapon types!
Club - Bad but good Knockback Weapon
Axe - Decent Weapon
Katar - Fast Weapon!
Added 16 New Items for you to Discover!
Chest Logic Improved!
Grindstone now has 40% Chance to success upgrading Item
Pirates or Enemies Only now have 20% Chance to drop Their Current Weapon.
Added spiders!
Added Conditions to pirates! And so far there is 2 Conditions ("spider poison" and "Paralyzed")
Sell now color Codes menu Items by Categorys, I Will Improved this further later anyway with bigger Shop UI anyways!
Added SWIM Perk, pirates with Swim Will Perk teleport on land when drowning for more than 3 seconds
Rich Perk now Also Gives +400 Starting more gold if it has Captain
Added New events!
If morale captains Reaches ZERO Will he go Nuts and Will be game over!
Added QUICK RESTART GAME When button is OVER (Press R Key to Quick Restart)
Fixes bug
Fixed bug with targeting .. pirates are now more aggresive and just Probably Wont Stand sometimes
Fixed bug where SHOP Weapon Weapons didnt unlock Properly
How Improved GAME OVER condition is Caused
v0.3.7.4 - Quartermaster & First Mate class!
Features & Improvements
Added New pirate class "Quartermaster"
This is sort of pirate A tutorial character, When on board it Will Inform Player About the problems That there is on the ship or What Player should do. Probably later in version A Quartermaster Will Also Resupply food from the Storage
Added New pirate class "First mate"
First mate is A Bodyguard Captains and Captain Will protect or rather from Enemy Aggro Take on Itself. Also, if your Captain Dies the First mate Will Become the New Captain and you Will be Able to Resume the game.
First 5 games you begin with the Quartermaster, meaning you have two pirates in the beginning.
v0.3.7.3 - Grapple & Minor Tweaks
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug where twitter button Would not dissapear When loading game
Fixed bug where Items in Inventory A Show did not sometimes correct information
Features & Improvements
You can now Scroll Crew List
Tool Tips added to the pirate Stats
Improved Grapple, you now need to use grapple where you want your pirates to grapple.
Added New Perk "Dumb", does not any Gain Experiences When Sailing
v0.3.7.2 - New Sounds & Perks!
Features / Improvements
Added 7 New Pirate Perks
Strong: Melee Weapons have 50% more Knockback
Weak: Attacks Cause 50% more Knockback on you
Fast: Pirate moves faster
Slow: Pirate moves Slower
Fast Learner : Pirate gets 40% more exp Sailing When
Depressed: Loses 50% more morale
Traitor: Has A Chance to Join Enemy Side When Attacked
Big Appetite: Eats 50% more food
Fast Recovery: Recovers more hp than normal
Blind: All Attacks miss
Bad Vision : Some of the Attacks miss
Loyal: Loses 50% less morale
Rich: 100-500% more gold on Death
Twitter & Greenlight added buttons to the main menu
Added 10 New pirate sounds
Added New music When Sailing
Removed some annoying ... messages
New Symbol for wild animals
now Captain Loses morale. To Regain morale Will you have to drink or consume Rum Other Items
Crew Menu Item names now Shows
Pirate Stats boosted by 50% and level up stats boosted by 100-200%, makes pirate levels more important
Fixes bug
Fixed bug where Throwing Stone Would Look like you shoot A gun
Fixed bug where Only Half of the dog sprite WAS Shown
Added to the Bilboard Tutorial Starting island Showing game controls
Added special ability to fast forward Event texts by Pressing space
KILL Added Camera
Added Anger effect, When your pirate has Low morale Will he have Visual Indicator Showing His State
Fixes bug
Fixed BUG where sometimes you HAD wrong Items When loading game
Fixed Slowdown in simulation That WAS Causing lag When there WAS alot of pirates
v0.3.6.9 - Steal That ship!
You can now steal Enemy ship! * Abandons your old ship! *
Ship Building Only now can happen on the island.
cannoner If A is Engaged in Combat and he is Holding A cannon ball, he and Will TRY That throw ball at the Enemy
Fixes bug
Fixed bug where animals and Fish Would Freeze in Rare Scenarios.
v0.3.6.7 - Sink Them with style!
sink Ships now if cannon inflicts Critical Damage to the Ground Level of the ship
Pirates can now navigate on the ship Without walls!
Pirates can now Jump height if the Difference is Small enough
Fixes bug
Fixed bug where save file name and crew name Would revert to defaults
Fixed BUG where menu options didnt work
Pirates now have New class emblems
When walking on the island Will you now have some dust particles .. Looks good Smile
UP Cleaned some UI
v0.3.6.5 - Plunder Enemy ships!
You can now plunder Enemy ships to Gain Building Blocks for your ship When you defeat Enemy Team. Enemy ship explodes and sinks in a very nice way! Smile
Attack command has Been Improved: If you use your Attack command on your pirate crew Friendly Will Attack That pirate, good When you need to Get RID of some pirate
Islands now have Some Items on the Floor .. example: Rock, can be USED as Ranged Weapon.
Starting Increased gold from 500 to 600
Sun size increased by 25%
Bug fixes
Fixed bug where sometimes you did not control your Captain at All but the crew member Other
Fixed bug That Caused Black screen in some Scenarios
Fixed bug where you Could Press start game multipled times
Fixed bug where events sometimes consumed gold for no good reason
Fixed bug where pirate class emblem was not hidden properly when pirate entered shadow.
Bug fixes!
Parrots dont crash game Anymore When Killed!
Captain Customization!
Weapons can now be equiped
Weapons can now be Upgraded.
Weapons can now be looted from Dead Pirates!
Chests can now drop more stuff than just gold!
Accidental Attacks removed, if you want use assault assault Friendly Battle orders!
World map auto Camera pan added!
Camera auto pan added to the game aswell!
This build breaks all save files, so start new game.
Fixed bug with few Items where Their price was 0!
Hull Blocks are now cheaper!
First version of CREW Page is added!
BUG Fixes
That Pirates Live on Island That Die are now perma Dead, game That Will now save .
Added New visuals to the Pirates (10 + new hair styles, 5 + new shirts, + 5 new jackets, + 4 new accs)!
Added 25 New Male Pirate Voices!
Added 7 New Passive Items: Baby Oil, Sugar Cube, Love Letter, Boar Hearth, Bread, Talisman of Hate and White Flag
Added 4 New Ultimate Abilities: Falcon Dance, Ace, Shadow Cloak, Headshot
Added 3 New Weapons: Double Axe, Combat Fishing Rod and Scissors!
Camera movement experience improved!
You can now rename any pirate that is in your crew! Simply click pirate name at the summary!
Chests improved! They now can drop ultimate abilities, there is 9 ultimate abilities so far!
Thank you! Expect to see tomorrow!
v0.4.0.0 - Spiders, Content & Polish!
Features & Improvements
Improved NEW GAME Experience
New players start with Extra gold
When Selecting Starting pirate you now See 1 Perk and name of That pirate
Added even more SFX to pirates!
New Color palette, Looks ABIT game now more blue
menu now CREW Shows perks and class name
SPACE menu now and Shows Current DAY TOTAL TIME PLAYED
Added 3 New Weapon types!
Club - Bad but good Knockback Weapon
Axe - Decent Weapon
Katar - Fast Weapon!
Added 16 New Items for you to Discover!
Chest Logic Improved!
Grindstone now has 40% Chance to success upgrading Item
Pirates or Enemies Only now have 20% Chance to drop Their Current Weapon.
Added spiders!
Added Conditions to pirates! And so far there is 2 Conditions ("spider poison" and "Paralyzed")
Sell now color Codes menu Items by Categorys, I Will Improved this further later anyway with bigger Shop UI anyways!
Added SWIM Perk, pirates with Swim Will Perk teleport on land when drowning for more than 3 seconds
Rich Perk now Also Gives +400 Starting more gold if it has Captain
Added New events!
If morale captains Reaches ZERO Will he go Nuts and Will be game over!
Added QUICK RESTART GAME When button is OVER (Press R Key to Quick Restart)
Fixes bug
Fixed bug with targeting .. pirates are now more aggresive and just Probably Wont Stand sometimes
Fixed bug where SHOP Weapon Weapons didnt unlock Properly
How Improved GAME OVER condition is Caused
v0.3.7.4 - Quartermaster & First Mate class!
Features & Improvements
Added New pirate class "Quartermaster"
This is sort of pirate A tutorial character, When on board it Will Inform Player About the problems That there is on the ship or What Player should do. Probably later in version A Quartermaster Will Also Resupply food from the Storage
Added New pirate class "First mate"
First mate is A Bodyguard Captains and Captain Will protect or rather from Enemy Aggro Take on Itself. Also, if your Captain Dies the First mate Will Become the New Captain and you Will be Able to Resume the game.
First 5 games you begin with the Quartermaster, meaning you have two pirates in the beginning.
v0.3.7.3 - Grapple & Minor Tweaks
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug where twitter button Would not dissapear When loading game
Fixed bug where Items in Inventory A Show did not sometimes correct information
Features & Improvements
You can now Scroll Crew List
Tool Tips added to the pirate Stats
Improved Grapple, you now need to use grapple where you want your pirates to grapple.
Added New Perk "Dumb", does not any Gain Experiences When Sailing
v0.3.7.2 - New Sounds & Perks!
Features / Improvements
Added 7 New Pirate Perks
Strong: Melee Weapons have 50% more Knockback
Weak: Attacks Cause 50% more Knockback on you
Fast: Pirate moves faster
Slow: Pirate moves Slower
Fast Learner : Pirate gets 40% more exp Sailing When
Depressed: Loses 50% more morale
Traitor: Has A Chance to Join Enemy Side When Attacked
Big Appetite: Eats 50% more food
Fast Recovery: Recovers more hp than normal
Blind: All Attacks miss
Bad Vision : Some of the Attacks miss
Loyal: Loses 50% less morale
Rich: 100-500% more gold on Death
Twitter & Greenlight added buttons to the main menu
Added 10 New pirate sounds
Added New music When Sailing
Removed some annoying ... messages
New Symbol for wild animals
now Captain Loses morale. To Regain morale Will you have to drink or consume Rum Other Items
Crew Menu Item names now Shows
Pirate Stats boosted by 50% and level up stats boosted by 100-200%, makes pirate levels more important
Fixes bug
Fixed bug where Throwing Stone Would Look like you shoot A gun
Fixed bug where Only Half of the dog sprite WAS Shown
Added to the Bilboard Tutorial Starting island Showing game controls
Added special ability to fast forward Event texts by Pressing space
KILL Added Camera
Added Anger effect, When your pirate has Low morale Will he have Visual Indicator Showing His State
Fixes bug
Fixed BUG where sometimes you HAD wrong Items When loading game
Fixed Slowdown in simulation That WAS Causing lag When there WAS alot of pirates
v0.3.6.9 - Steal That ship!
You can now steal Enemy ship! * Abandons your old ship! *
Ship Building Only now can happen on the island.
cannoner If A is Engaged in Combat and he is Holding A cannon ball, he and Will TRY That throw ball at the Enemy
Fixes bug
Fixed bug where animals and Fish Would Freeze in Rare Scenarios.
v0.3.6.7 - Sink Them with style!
sink Ships now if cannon inflicts Critical Damage to the Ground Level of the ship
Pirates can now navigate on the ship Without walls!
Pirates can now Jump height if the Difference is Small enough
Fixes bug
Fixed bug where save file name and crew name Would revert to defaults
Fixed BUG where menu options didnt work
Pirates now have New class emblems
When walking on the island Will you now have some dust particles .. Looks good Smile
UP Cleaned some UI
v0.3.6.5 - Plunder Enemy ships!
You can now plunder Enemy ships to Gain Building Blocks for your ship When you defeat Enemy Team. Enemy ship explodes and sinks in a very nice way! Smile
Attack command has Been Improved: If you use your Attack command on your pirate crew Friendly Will Attack That pirate, good When you need to Get RID of some pirate
Islands now have Some Items on the Floor .. example: Rock, can be USED as Ranged Weapon.
Starting Increased gold from 500 to 600
Sun size increased by 25%
Bug fixes
Fixed bug where sometimes you did not control your Captain at All but the crew member Other
Fixed bug That Caused Black screen in some Scenarios
Fixed bug where you Could Press start game multipled times
Fixed bug where events sometimes consumed gold for no good reason
Fixed bug where pirate class emblem was not hidden properly when pirate entered shadow.
Bug fixes!
Parrots dont crash game Anymore When Killed!
Captain Customization!
Weapons can now be equiped
Weapons can now be Upgraded.
Weapons can now be looted from Dead Pirates!
Chests can now drop more stuff than just gold!
Accidental Attacks removed, if you want use assault assault Friendly Battle orders!
World map auto Camera pan added!
Camera auto pan added to the game aswell!
This build breaks all save files, so start new game.
Fixed bug with few Items where Their price was 0!
Hull Blocks are now cheaper!
First version of CREW Page is added!
BUG Fixes
That Pirates Live on Island That Die are now perma Dead, game That Will now save .
Added New visuals to the Pirates (10 + new hair styles, 5 + new shirts, + 5 new jackets, + 4 new accs)!
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows 7
Processor: 1.6 GHZ
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader Capable Graphics card
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 200 MB available space

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